Nau mai, haere mai e te whanau
Limited Places Available for 2025 in our Year 5-6 Cohort
Why Pembroke School?
How will you know if Pembroke School is the right place for your child?
Pembroke School offers your child the opportunity to be part of a caring and nuturing small school environment strongly centre around our school ASPIRE values that are designed to ensure that your child can thrive in a caring and supportive learning environment where they are a valued individual and challenged to ASPIRE to be their best through a focus on personal Ambition and Perseverance. Childhood is a precious and important time in a persons life and in a world where children are being urged to grow up so fast our focus in on letting 'kids be kids' and enjoy a wonderful uniquely Kiwi childhood. Students at Pembroke enjoy many wonderful opportunities and are a valued part of our Pembroke School whanau. We pride ourselves in having a great, supportive school community. If your child is in Year 5-6 and you are looking for not only a great school but a great community to be a part of then Pembroke School may be the right place for you.
Period 2 Deadlines for Applications for Term 1 2025 - 22/01/2025, whanau notified 23/01/2025.
You are able to book an appointment to visit through our friendly school administrator Carol: admin@pembrokestratford.school.nz or 06 765 7944
Pembroke School has an enrolment scheme in place. If parents live in our school zone they can automatically enrol their child/ren at Pembroke School. If you live outside the enrolment zone you will need to pre-enrol your child/ren. Enrolments must follow the Enrolment Policy Process.
Important: Parents please ensure you enrol at Pembroke School as soon as possible to help the school to determine spaces for future rolls.
Deadlines for Application for 2025 Academic Year
Period 1: Term 1 2025 - 14/10/2024
Period 2: Term 1 2025 - 22/01/2025
Period 3: Term 2 2025 - 26/02/2025
Period 4: Term 3 2025 - 18/06/2025
Period 5: Term 4 2025 - 17/09/2025
Booking School Tours
If you are interested in visiting our school please contact the school office and book a time with Carol, 06 765 7944 or admin@pembrokestratford.school.nz
Transition to School Programme for Pre-Schoolers
It is important that all future ākonga/ students and their whānau have a supported and successful transition to Pembroke School. We have a transition programme in place for all pre-schoolers enrolled to attend Pembroke School. This programme is centered around the needs of the child and availability of parents. Mr Ben Single, Rātā Class teacher will work with you to understand the individual needs of your child and the most appropriate time and scope of school transition visits.
Enrolment Form
If you wish to enrol your child at Pembroke School, please complete the enrolment form below, alternatively collect an enrolment form from the school office. Please email enrolment form to Carol admin@pembrokestratford.school.nz to begin the enrolment process.