Pembroke School
Mahi Tahi Te Ako!
Succeeding Together!
Nau mai haere mai ki Te Kura o Mangarangi, a very friendly welcome to our lovely kura, Pembroke School!
If you are looking for a caring, country school for your child, you are welcome to book an appointment to visit our kura and see if Pembroke School is the right fit for your child and family by contacting our lovely office admin Carol, 06 765 7944
Pembroke has an enrolment scheme in place to help us manage our class sizes for optimal learning. You can read more about our enrolment zone under the 'more' tab on the right of this page. All children within the zone are able to attend Pembroke School. Families who live outside the zone can apply to be enrolled at Pembroke School through our Out of Zone enrolment process. We currently have six spaces available for Year 5-6 students (not to be confused with 5-6 years of age). The closing date for applications is 26 March 2025. Enrolment forms can be accessed under the enrolment tab or by contacting the school office.
Pembroke School is nestled under the majestic Taranaki Maunga. It is a small rural school with a big heart that values each of its learners and aims to help them reach their potential through fun, friendship and a learning journey focused on respecting their individuality. Being a smaller school comes with many advantages, we are able to bring the whakatauki, “Ko te ahurei o te tamaiti arahia o tatou mahi" to life in our school and let the uniqueness of each child guide their learning and the support they are offered so that they are able to reach their highest potential and grow confidently through supporting the areas where they have particular skills and interests. As a small school of Year 0-8 learners in a lovely rural setting we are able to ensure that each of our students is able to thrive in a caring, supportive environment whilst making great childhood memories! Our mahi is guided by a strong focus on the hauora (wellbeing) of each person and whanaungatanga (being a Pembroke School family). Our philosophy of 'happy children are learning children' and 'succeeding together' sit at the heart of all we do.
Our ASPIRE Values sit at the heart of all that we do and guide the kaupapa of our school.

Nau mai haere mai
Ko Taranaki te Maunga
Ko Waitara te awa
No Taranaki ahau
Kei Whakaahurangi tōku kāinga ināianei
Ko Irene tōku whaea, ko Alan tōku matua
Ko Single tōku whānau
Ko Ben tāku tane
Ko Pembroke tōku kura
Ko Wendy tōku ingoa
Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa
I have had the priviledge of leading Pembroke School since the start of 2021 alongside an amazing staff and highly supportive school boards. In my time at Pembroke School I have enjoyed getting to know and develop relationships with our whanau, including those who have a historical connection to our school. Connecting to our schools history and ensuring that our school continues to provide quality education in a supportive, caring rural school environment have been a priority of both staff and the school board. We are very proud of our school including it's development over the past three years in regards to culture, curriculum and property developments and look forward to continuing to ensure that 'Succeeding Together' remains our key priority. The students and their families are what makes Pembroke School the special place it is and we enjoy working together to ensure that every child is able to reach their highest potential, whilst enjoying the wonderful opportunties that all kiwi kids should enjoy growing up in our beautiful country.
Tumuaki: Wendy Single
Vinnie is the classroom teacher of Rimu Class, SENCO and Head of Sports and Wellbeing at Pembroke School. Vinnie has taught at Pembroke School for the past five years, joining the school after teaching in the UK. Vinnie lives in New Plymouth with his partner and two young twin boys. He is always happy to help and be a point of connection for our whanau and community. Vinnie works closely with our Healthy Active Learning Fascilitator Mattie Thoms and ensures that our tamariki experience a great range of sports and play opportunties.
Kaiawhina Tumuaki: Vincent Sharp