Useful Information


We have a school uniform that can be ordered through the school office. In Term 1 and 4 students must wear a school bucket hat as part of our sunsafe policy. 

Must have items:

Blue school polo: $24.50

Navy school polar fleece: $41.50

School Sunhat: $21.50

Plain black pants, shorts, short or skirt: not purchased through school. 

Other items available:

Shorts: $32.00

Skort: $32.00

Jacket: $65.00

On the occasional days your child is not able to wear full school uniform a note must be provided to your child's teacher. 


Each class has specific stationery packs that are avaiable through the school office at the start of the school year or throughout the year as required. Items are purchased in bulk to help support our school to pass these items onto families at a lower cost. 


Pembroke School is zoned. If you would like to know more about our enrolment zone contact the school office. 

If you are out of zone and would like to go onto the waiting list to be drawn out of the twice yearly ballot then please register your child's name on the wist list through our school office. 

Office: 06 765 7944,


Communication is predominately through our Pembroke School Facebook Page, Skool Loop and Class Dojo. Please contact your child's teacher to ensure you are signed up to the Skool Loop and Dojo Apps. 

Learning Conferences

Take place twice a year in Term 1 and 3. 

Written School Reports

A written report about your child's academic progress, key competency development and expression of our school ASPIRE values is provided by your child's teacher at the end of Term 2 and 4. 

We know that your child learns best and is able to make the most of their education with home and school have a great supportive reciprocal relationship. We encourage you to reach out to your child's teacher and stay in regular contact about your child's learning, progress and develop an understanding of how you can work together to support your child's learning. If you have any concerns please make an appointment with your child's teacher so that this can be resolved quickly.